Monday, March 17, 2014

Second OB

Waited over an hour to see the doctor today...after which he proceeded to spend a total of less than 5 minutes with me.  I hate modern healthcare practices.  I did get to hear the heartbeat, which is always wonderful.  But only for about 20 seconds.  Thank goodness I don't have to pay a co-pay with my insurance, or I would be even more pissed.

I really wish I had some better options where I live.  Honestly, I just wish I lived somewhere else.

Is this normal or do I just have a shitty doctor?  I know I should count myself as lucky that I am low-risk and have had an "easy pregnancy" so far, but it is so frustrating to feel like this doctor doesn't see me as anything other than another chart.


  1. I think this is normal for OBs. I nearly walked out at my 12 week appointment. I'm not sure why, but it is ridiculous.

  2. I am spoiled by my doctor. He is super cautious and since it is a twin pregnancy he is even more. I go every two weeks and he pulls the ultrasound machine in every time and I get to hear the heartbeats. I'm sorry... Maybe say something?

    1. The more I talk to people about it, the more I feel like what I am experiencing is normal. You're lucky you get such great care!

  3. I haven't had to wait long for my doctor (yet), but my sister warned me that she often had to wait an hour for her routine check ups at the practice we both use. I think it's normal, unfortunately. I try to schedule my appointments for first thing in the morning. That seems to help, since they aren't backlogged yet. Of course, my work schedule allows that flexibility.

    1. Now that I'm working part-time, I have a little more flexibility with my schedule, so I will definitely try for morning appointments.

  4. I felt the exact same way during my first OB appointment and I was so upset! But, other ladies reassured me that this seems to be the norm for OBs, which is unfortunate. If you have any questions or concerns, make your OB sit and talk to you! You're paying them for your baby's care, they should be able to spend some time with you if you need them to.

    1. I think the reason it is so short is because I don't have many questions. My own fault I guess for being so low-maintenance lol

  5. Im terrified that my second attempt at finding an OB is going to be like this. I keep telling my husband that Im not settling I will find a doctor I like and feel safe with. Im sorry you have a disappointing appt.

    1. I read all about your first appointment Kasey, hopefully your next one is better too!
