Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tis the season...

So ever since the husband and I have started trying to get pregnant, I have thought of hundreds of ways to tell people.  Not surprisingly, many of those ideas have been centered around holidays.  I imagined sending out our holiday cards with a picture of me holding a sonogram picture...or taking a surprise visit home and telling the whole family over a turkey dinner...or wrapping up the pregnancy test and having the husband open it on Christmas morning.  I think this is why holidays are so hard for me.  Every one that passes is a reminder of what could have been I suppose.

Maybe this makes me a Grinch or a Scrooge or whatever, and I know that I am supposed to always look at the positive side of things...but it is just exhausting to do that all the time.  So I am allowing myself a little bit of time to be sad about what I don't have yet.  It won't hurt anybody (but me, I guess).  Here I go...


Now that I have given myself the time to mope and grieve about what I don't have, I can give thanks for what I do have.  I have a husband that loves me and would do anything to make me happy.  I have an ornery dog that drives me nuts, but I couldn't imagine going through the lonely nights when the husband is gone without him by my side.  I have family and friends that love me.  I have a job that keeps me busy and helps pay for the mounds of medical bills that are about to start piling up.  All in all, I do have a lot to be thankful for...and to look forward to.  I know that someday, some way, we will have a child of our own to spend the holidays with.  For now, I will try to just live in the moment and enjoy all of the time alone I get with my wonderful husband and pup.

Goodnight all.

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